Me, trying to play against 12-year olds in Battle Royale games in 2022…

Let’s talk a second about online gaming–

While I grew up playing multi-player Halo, and even Team Fortress, I have spent a little time playing Battle Royale games. I started with PUBG, and while I understood why this format was popular, I couldn’t really get into it. The thought of going through the entire start-up process (loading the game up with enough players, dropping onto the battlefield, etc.), desperately searching for a few weapons that were enough to at least defend myself against a day-one new player, only to be murdered after building up a small militia’s worth of ammo and armor, was somewhere between desperate and depressing.

I moved on to Fortnite. Honestly, at first it was much more fun. The cartoony aesthetic didn’t really bother me, maybe because the wild colors and landscapes helped distract me from watching someone who had obviously been playing for 8 straight hours build a small Tower of God and then snipe me from the top of it.

For some insane reason, I then thought Call Of Duty: Warzone might be fun. Even after watching a few streams of Dr. Disrespect and Tim The Tatman raging at a no-audio kill, I wanted to give it a try. The thing is, I don’t hate playing any of these titles. It’s just I quickly realize how much time other people have invested in learning the mechanics, the maps, and the weekly changes. There’s no way I can find the time to even feel average at them.

Finally I tried out Apex. Someone pointed out to me, that at least everyone sucks at it. I mean, that’s somewhat true. You see most of the players you run into fumble around with the guns, trying to figure out how they fire after being locked into the other titles above. Of course, the results are still the same for me…but at least it’s kinda sci-fi, right?

I don’t know what the point of all of this typing is, other than to justify me posting my video I made above LOL. If you like it, feel free to follow me on TikTok for more stuff, and of course on my main YouTube page here.

I WANT to get good, believe me. I just don’t have the time, and will instead sink hours into Path of Exile… Wait, I guess I do have time? Fuck it, I just don’t want to rage quit 5 nights a week.

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